A Leader, Must Let go

A Leader must let go… to gain control.

A leader must let go of the ‘Victim Mindset”.

The human mind is conditioned with beliefs and circumstances which might automatically create an illusion of lack of power and control. Most of us are generally and constantly trapped into those and these learned patterns can be hard to reverse. These patterns become more prominent when we are actually hit by a real crisis, such as the one world is facing. 

Being in the victim stage is usually about holding somebody else responsible for the situation while staying focused on what is missing. In the victim mindset, one is constantly pursuing something and is also convinced that it is unreachable. 

“something outside of me is creating and determining my destiny”

“I am always trying and struggling to make things better”

So, if you find yourself repeatedly saying the statements such as above, it is time to become aware and replace them with:

“I am ready to fully participate with an open mind”

“Life is on my side with abundance to offer”

“Hold onto the power of creativity & imagination and I can let go of fear & uncertainty because those do not coexist”

To be a successful leader, especially in a crisis situation like today’s, realizing that crisis happens to show us a path to transformation, is essential. The ability to manifest and communicate the expansion of paradigm this crisis may offer is going to determine who will eventually lead us into the future.

May that be each one of us.

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