Rejection 2.0

Couple days ago I wrote about rejection and tossed some ideas around handling the same. I shared the post and an audio for same with my really close friends. I knew they would see right through my post and I will be heard. And I was right.

Drifting Away

Thanks Karen for your feedback and clearly there is the need for a follow up post, rejection 2.0.

If I could re-write the previous blog on handling rejection, I would start and end with this simple statement you made “I hope you will reflect on how strong, resilient & awesome you are and that you deserve love & acceptance. Say that again …”I deserve love & acceptance”. 

Is it just strange that I cry as I type this and repeat as asked?

I seem to have painted a painful picture of rejection and that’s how it is generally perceived in the society. Rejection is bad and is usually inflicted on us by somebody we expected to be accepted from, and then we try really hard to deal with it. Sometimes we finally get out of those gloomy cloud and eventually hit a sweet spot to find peace within ourselves. But then other times we just succumb to the fear of getting rejected again and end up with endless compromises sacrificing the wellbeing as well as our precious authenticity.

How about we try something else, something little different and take a moment to perceive the whole situation. A situation where we felt alone, rejected and not loved. A moment or a period of time, where we were not appreciated for who we are, criticized for standing up for ourselves, shut down over and over until we morphed into somebody we are not. It has happened to all of us. As a child and then as an adult. Sometimes we confused it with being adaptable or accommodating. Sometimes we confused those feelings with care for the other, sometimes we just did not know better. We just did not. 

Now that we have just reflected on that for a bit, it is time to flip this around. Yes, let’s flip the rejection around and reject those that don’t love and accept us. It is a radical step towards reclaiming yourself and with a sense of urgency. We are going to call this “The rejection 2.0”. This becomes the new boundary of how we think of ourselves and how we allow others to treat us. 

It is the foundation of reclaiming your true self.

The End, which is necessary for the new beginnings. 

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