Want vs. Needs

As I finish my evening meditation, my eleven years old walks in. He asks, what I was doing as he turn on the light in my room. I am still reluctant to let go of the comfort of subtle dark in my room, but seems it is about time.

The glow of his face automatically makes me smile, as I answer his question. He has just come back from trip to Target. He went to spend his gift card he received for his birthday, but then he could not really buy anything.

Why dint you?

I asked.

You needed a lunch bag, right?

Well, I could not find one. I looked in multiple section.

Oh, I can try ordering online.

Yes. We might. but mumma….

And I turn my full attention to him now, as I know something important is waiting to come.

Mumma, I have been thinking about difference between things that I want or I need. I realized something. Whenever I get things that I want, once I have it…the excitement usually goes away almost immediately and replaced by guilt. Is that right?

I smile.

Yes, you are right. And it happens to many but then we fail to see it. We get trapped into this cycle of succumbing to desires and wonder why aren’t we happy. We gather things that we constantly crave or want and it never results into a long term happiness or satisfaction we desire.

I hold his hands and cherish this moment in which I see my child, growing and seeing things that takes most adults a life time.

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