Let me be myself. Please!

You be the good girl, Let me be myself. Please!

Who the hell started this and convinced every darned species born with uterus that their role is going to be of a caregiver, rescuer and torch bearer of kindness? And no, none of these rules are ever applicable to the other half with testicles. They will sit on the pedestals and be the providers. They will be ok if they lack empathy and kindness, because apparently one with uterus will have enough to raise the family, society and universe.

Hell NO!

Why, mother nature and not father nature?

Because nature has to be always giving and forgiving?

Because nature can be abused and exploited?

Because nature will still behave the same, ages after ages?

Women had been brainwashed for generations to be the one who must sacrifice to “keep it together” and should be the one held accountable when they can’t “keep it together” anymore.

And no, I don’t blame men for enforcing these because we as women do exceptionally well on being the one passing out certificates or judgements to each other.

The Slow & Silent Death

It only took few men to be smart enough to lay out some ground rules generations ago and we women has been the flag bearers of those rules ever since. We became the ants, carrying the weight on our shoulders which were multiple times of our own. We carried them for miles while were constantly told…”Oh that’s nothing”…”Oh everyone does that” and “Oh you are so fragile”.

Well, the ants were smarter as they did not imagine they were going they own separate ways and did not need to stick together.

In the light of upcoming International Women’s Day, I wish we learn from ants and stay together. Regardless of how much weights we each carry, regardless of the roughness of the path is, Let’s promise to stay behind one another. Be there to say ‘Hey! I have got your back.” Even when she never looks back…or pretends to be ok.

Trust me, each one is carrying her own weight and it is many times heavier than herself and giving compassion instead of judgement can go a really long way.

Meanwhile, let her be herself….nobody needs another good girl, we have got plenty of those.

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