Victim to Victorious

No, this is not a victim, this is Victorious.

 A woman is a victim when she is still  trying to keep things together because she is scared. Victims are ruled by fear, victims are ruled by lack of power, victims are those who are stuck and hopeless and they can’t see a way out. She is a victim because she is still seeking approval, confirmation and those little crumbs of assurance, hoping beyond hopes. 

Taking her ground, standing up for her rights and speaking out is not victimizing. 

keeping her guards up and setting boundaries and enforcing consequences when those boundaries are breached are not the signs of a victim there are signs of somebody who is Victorious. These are the signs that she has finally acquired the power, conquered the fear and is ready to fight the battle without any care.

Arjun was playing victim , when he dropped his bow to the ground and wished it was a dream. Even though the battle ground was set with  weapons exposed. Yes, those were his family but it was also a war of rights. It took Krishna days to talk him through and Arjuna finally fought the war. When he was on ground or when he picked up the bow back, he wasn’t aware this war would cost him his precious child “Abhumanyu”. He fought, regardless. 

World and circumstances can never be perfect but the path of rightful action, always is. 

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