Journey Continues – Last Blog of 2022

We are all on this journey together.

Whether we like it or not, our souls are trapped inside our bodies and simply passing through our time together on the earth. We meet each other and react in various predetermined ways. Our ways or needs to control and demand from each other, decides the courses of those interactions.

Some last, others don’t. Some soothe our souls , others teach us a lesson. 

This Blog started in July 2019 when my body & mind simply gave up on each other and my soul had to take control. The old resilient soul knew exactly what to do and it showed me the path to Yoga studio in Princeton. My intuitions led the way, and I simply followed to become myself. 

Words have always been my true expression and this blog became my safe place to pour everything that spilled. I trusted no one. How could i? My mind and body had lost faith in each other? My mind was out there to destroy my physical existence by throwing itself in serious panic attacks. Any shred of joy or peace that I could capture, I had to hang onto those. 

I started to heal. But before we heal, we have to let it bleed, dig deeper and deeper until all the pus is cleaned. One meditation session at a time, I was opening up every wound and fearlessly exposing myself to yet another vulnerability that will only make me stronger. 

Soul is considered the light of almighty within ourselves with endless power. All I had to do was to believe. 

Here I am, three and half years later sharing my journey from the place of love, courage and humility. 

Did I reach where I needed to be?

Well, I don’t know where I need to be as a destination but I am absolutely confident this is my path. I am on the path of destiny as it feels right, deep down. 

In the last 2 years, I have led numerous meditation sessions. I ran a program of 21-days guided meditation & journaling which was as much a journey for me to hit on some of the hardest emotions, such as fear, guilt or shame. At the same time, we also took solace in love, peace and gratitude as a group. 

I am in the middle of teaching a 10-Days meditation program during the last 10-days of 2022. LAst night we practiced on letting go of expectations and it was still hard. It takes deliberate effort to pull those weeds of expectations out from our heart. I am committed. 

So, here I am. Calendar changes in 5 Days, symbolizing a new beginning for most of the world and what better time to reflect on the last 360 days than now? 

My heart fills with tremendous gratitude and I let the days, moments and every interaction from other souls during these 360 days wash over me. So much love, so much authenticity, so many lessons learned to enhance my journey. Joy and excitement fills my heart to acknowledge everything that life has to offer. 

Right then, the event of losing my father hits me like a grenade and while I feel the pain I also watch him smile over me from wherever he is. His words, his care and his ability to show his true self no matter what remains my guiding light. 

Papa. You are missed and you are loved. You remain in me and I will carry this light for my kids and the world. 

Love. Experiencing true love is divine and it all comes from within. The fountain of love flows indefinitely once we remove the debris of expectations from its path. Everyday, I remove one and let the earth beneath soak in the love that flows & nourishes. 

In 2023, I will watch the garden flourish behind me on the same uncovered earth, now warming up in the sun for the first time ever.

In 2023, I will allow my true authentic self to meet the realities of the world with grace and courage instead of fear.

In 2023, I will just be. 

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