The Girl in Blue Denim Jacket

Have you seen her?

The same who has been lost for a while

And heard that she has recently been found now.

Rumors say, she was lost in the woods.

Surrounded by bears and sneaky foxes

Those who shrieked and squawked

Those who hissed and then snarled

While she was

Scared and withdrawn for a long time

They say

The darkness stole the shine from her eyes

And those long stares of despair of dark moonless nights

Dried every drop of moisture ever in those eyes

They even say, her heart were freckles of red ash

When they scooped it out, to analyze

It had completely fallen apart

Crumbling further with every touch

As it was just sitting there, for ages

Being nothing, doing nothing

They say, they will fix it in time

They may, if they find the right potent

The right match, to replace those dead cells

Science….what do we know?

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